Monday, February 22, 2021

Empress Elizabeth Petrovna of Russia's signed letter to King Frederick II the Great of Prussia telling him her impressions of Princess Johanna Elisabeth of Anhalt-Zerbst and her daughter Sophia, dated after February 9, 1744


Above: Elizabeth Petrovna, Empress of Russia, artist unknown.

Above: Frederick II the Great, King of Prussia, painted by Antoine Pesne.

Above: Princess Johanna Elisabeth of Holstein-Gottorp and Anhalt-Zerbst, painted by Antoine Pesne.

Above: Her daughter, Princess Sophia Friederike Auguste of Anhalt-Zerbst, future Empress Catherine the Great of Russia, painted by Louis Caravaque.

"The Prussian king Frederick II, interested in friendship with Russia, took an active part in choosing a bride for the heir to the Russian throne. Ten days before the departure of the princess of Anhalt-Zerbst, Johanna Elisabeth and her daughter to Russia, Frederick II, in a letter to Empress Elizabeth Petrovna, gave them the most flattering description: 'I can vouch for their merits. The young princess, with all the liveliness and cheerfulness that is characteristic of her age, is gifted with an excellent quality of mind and heart.' The bride made a good impression on the Empress, who constantly showed her attention, giving her valuable gifts. Elizabeth Petrovna reported about her favourable impression of the young Sophia and her mother in a letter to Frederick II."

The letter:

Месяца Ѳевраля 1744 гѡда.
Господинъ мой братъ
С особливейшимъ удовольствиемъ полꙊчила те знаки аттенціи, которые Ваше величество письмомъ своимъ мнѣ дать благоволили чрезъ принцессꙊ Сербстъ и дщерь ея. Ѡныхъ персоны и качества, какъ матери такъ и дочери подтвердя мнѣ, что все то еже я об нихъ слышала, от Вашего величества любви удостоини все во оных усмотрела, совершенно благосклонномꙊ Вашего величества в томъ что до нихъ касается участию соответствꙊетъ, имъ такожде удостоверяетъ тоя дрꙊжбꙊ, кою я уже к нимъ имела. Ваше величество мне справедливость покажете, не сꙊмневаясь что я совершеннымъ почтениемъ есмь.
Господинъ мой братъ
Ваше величества
добрая сестра
и верная союзница.

English translation (my own):

Month of February, 1744.
Sir my brother,
It was with the greatest pleasure that I received those signs of attenuation that Your Majesty, in your letter to me, favoured through the Princess of Zerbst and her daughter. These persons and qualities, both of mother and daughter, confirming to me that all the same I heard about them from Your Majesty who deigned to merit everything in them I saw Your Majesty completely benevolent in what concerns sympathy corresponding to them, they also confirm the friendship that I already had for them. Your Majesty, show me justice, without hesitation, that I am, with perfect reverence, Sir my brother,
Your Majesty's good sister and faithful ally.

Note: In accordance with the nobility's ideals in the early and early late modern eras, kings, queens and other monarchs considered themselves siblings.

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