Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Princess Elizabeth's letter to her stepmother Anne of Cleves, year 1540


La vie d'Elizabeth, reine d'Angleterre, volume 1, Gergorio Leti, 1703

The girlhood of Queen Elizabeth, a narrative in letters, Frank Arthur Mumby, 1909

Above: Elizabeth as princess, formerly attributed to William Scrots.

Above: Anne of Cleves, painted by Hans Holbein the Younger.

The letter:

Je suis combattuë de deux violens desirs, l'un est l'impatience de voir Vôtre Majesté, & l'autre l'obeissance que je dois aux ordres du Roy mon pére, sans lesquels j'ai resolu de ne pas sortir mesme de ma maison quoi que le Roy m'en laisse la liberté toute entiere. Mais j'espere que bien-tôt, je pourrai satisfaire l'un & l'autre de ces deux desirs. En attendant, je supplie Vôtre Majesté de me permettre de lui témoigner par ce billet le zele avec lequel je lui consacre mon respect comme à ma Reine, & une obéissance entiére comme à ma Mere. Je suis trop jeune & trop foible, pour pouvoir faire autre chose que la féliciter de tout mon cœur dans ce commencement de son mariage. J'espére que Vôtre Majesté aura autant de bonté pour moi, que j'ai de zèle pour son service.

English translation (from source 2):

Madame, — I am struggling between two contending wishes — one is my impatient desire to see your Majesty, the other that of rendering the obedience I owe to the commands of the King my father, which prevent me from leaving my house till he has given me full permission to do so. But I hope that I shall be able shortly to gratify both these desires. In the meantime, I entreat your Majesty to permit me to show, by this billet, the zeal with which I devote my respect to you as to my mother. I am too young and feeble to have power to do more than to felicitate you with all my heart in this commencement of your marriage. I hope that your Majesty will have as much good will for me as I have zeal for your service.

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