Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Queen Anne's letter to Sarah Churchill, Duchess of Marlborough, year 1706


Private correspondence of Sarah, Duchess of Marlborough: illustrative of the court and times of Queen Anne, volume 1, H. Colburn, London, 1838

Above: Queen Anne, painted for her coronation by Michael Dahl.

Above: Sarah Churchill, painted by Sir Godfrey Kneller.

The letter:

I am very sorry my Lord Treasurer's cold is so bad, and I will be sure to speak to the Prince to command all his servants to do their duty; if they should not obey him, I am sure they do not deserve to be any longer so; and I shall use my endeavours that they may not, but I hope they will not be such villains; and if they do not do what they ought, I am certain it will be none of the Prince's fault. I am in such haste I can say no more but that I am very sorry dear Mrs. Freeman will be so unkind as not to come to her poor unfortunate, faithful Morley, who loves her sincerely, and will do so to the last moment.

Note: Mrs. Freeman was Anne's nickname for Sarah and Mrs. Morley was her nickname for herself.

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